Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy July 1

Yesterday I was miserable.  Today only 1/4 miserable.  So, that is good.

Debbie took Jess and Memphis on a long walk in the morning.  When they got back, both Memphis and Jess took a long nap! 

I worked on paperwork until it was time to take Jessie out for Girl's Day Out.  We went to the post office, McDonald's drive thru then Kohl's.  She's getting better at shopping.

Lois came for dinner and we had our time of sharing and praying.  Now it's time to go upstairs already.  My days, weeks and months are flying faster than I can catch up.

1 comment:

  1. Saying a prayer - being miserable (lots or 1/4) is not fun nor good!
