Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Lazy Day

Jess and I hung out upstairs until after noon today.  We had our traditional Sunday breakfast then she got a bath and the works (toe nails, finger nails, shaved legs).  If you were anywhere near our house during this time, I'm sure you would have heard her, as she screams as if I'm killing her when I cut her toe nails.  It's always been like that.  I just "love" the screams in my ear. 

I wrote some checks, rearranged a flower stand (isn't this exciting), we ate lunch on the deck in the middle of a windy afternoon.  Jess occupied herself as she always does - with her iPad, cards and beads.  I sat on the couch and was also on my iPad then took a nap. 

Brenda invited us to dinner at their house today but Jessie had a major meltdown when I told her about it.  She did NOT want to go there and she did NOT want to leave the house.  So, we stayed home.  It would have been nice for me, but she was so upset I couldn't make her do something that would cause her more trauma. 

Jon worked this weekend and now has a week's vacation plus another week where they have him off - so, two whole weeks off.  He should have been scheduled for at least 1 day that week, but he's certainly not going to tell them! 

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