Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Report Is Done And In the Mail !!!

I finished the Medicaid report this morning and Jess and I dropped it off at the post office on our way to Target this afternoon.  For a switch, we had lunch in their eatery.  We had a hot dog.  It was really good.  That's because it was a "real" hot dog and not the pretend ones we eat at home. 

Unfortunately, when we were in line to pay, Jess had a melt down and sobbed.  There were at least 100 babies and kids there and some were not so quiet.  Poor kid.  She couldn't wait to get home.

Rachel came and watched Jess while I went to Wales, MI, for a party put on by my cousin, Linda's, son Nazih and his wife Marie.  They host this party every year for family, friends and coworkers.

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