Saturday, January 14, 2012

An Embarassing Morning

What do I do every Saturday at 9:30?  I have a meeting with the psychologist from MORC who is helping me with Jessie's behavior, etc.  Every Saturday.  This morning I figured I would take it easy since Jane wasn't coming until 9:45 and I didn't really have to be dressed for them.  The doorbell rings at 9:30 and I wondered who in the world would be coming at 9:30 in the morning.  Duh!  I "ran" back upstairs and grabbed a housecoat and brushed my hair, which still looked like Albert Einstein's hair.  I was so embarassed that 1) I forgot and 2) I had to meet with him looking like I just got out of bed!  Not a good way to start my day.

Jane and Rachel spent the day with Jess and she had a really good day.  They went out to lunch at the Garden Grille and shopping at Kroger's.  They did an art project and played a VERY LONG game of Apples to Apples.  They also went for a long walk.  I'm sure Jess will sleep well tonight.

Chris came over and helped me take down the Christmas tree.  This project would have taken me about a week, but it was done in one day.  She also vacuumed and folded towels.  Thanks to Jane, we had fish and chips for dinner.  Thanks, Jane! 

Bill's day wasn't as good as the past several days, but not too bad.  Wes and Ortha dropped by for a few minutes in the afternoon.  Plus, the house was busy - I don't think he got his nap today. 

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