Monday, January 23, 2012

A Very Upset Jessie

Our morning began with a meeting with Jessie's case worker.  Then she had a doctor's appointment "just to talk".  Unfortunately, the dr. threw in a blood test.  I really didn't think much of this, and it was very convenient to just walk next door and have it done in the lab.  NOT!  Jess could not handle doing something she didn't know about earlier.  She refused to have her blood taken.  She fought us and screamed.  I was so upset because it has taken us YEARS to get her used to having her blood taken willingly. Or at least without fighting and screaming.

We left and went to Wendy's where she was still so upset she bit her dessert spoon, broke it in two and cut her lip!  I ended up giving her some medication to calm her down and reviewed with her what we were going to do next:  bookstore, blood work (we went to the Tilch Beaumont building where she's used to the people), post office and home.  I kept telling her this and by the time she was called back, she was back to "normal". 

This incident proves to me what her psychologist said: Jessie is unable to handle change/surprise.  We need to tell her what is going to happen.  Such as, we constantly tell her that her daddy is going to go to Heaven.  Hopefully, this will help when the time comes for her to handle his leaving better. 

Speaking of her daddy, another crappy day and he slept most of the day.

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