Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Good Day/Bad Day For Jess

Jessie had a doctor's appointment at 11:40 a.m. to see if we could get a stronger antibiotic to help with her boils.  Debbie went with us.  We got a prescription for that, but she also had to have a shot.  She did really well - it only took 3 of us to hold her down and 1 to give the shot in her butt.  I'm not being funny when I said she did really well, because it could have been so much worse.  Although everyone in the entire building heard her.  Probably the real estate office on the other side of the wall, too!  Oh, well.

I promised her that if she got a shot we'd go to Wendy's for lunch.  The place was filled with kids for what ever reason.  However, she did really well.  No anxiety.  No yelling.  Just did great.  I was so pleased.  Skipping ahead to dinner, we met Chris up in Romeo at a restaurant that rarely has people in it.  It didn't.  Until we sat down and a family with a SCREECHING toddler sat down.  He screeched the entire time we were there and Jess had a major melt down.  Poor thing.  She cried and had her arms wrapped around my neck and wouldn't let me go.  Kinda hard to eat like that. 

I had to stop at Kohl's to pay my bill and Debbie and Jess went in, too.  We were looking at clothes and Jess was right there. I mean right next to us.  I turned left.  Debbie turned right and in just seconds we couldn't find her!  That stinker was hiding on us.  The only way we found her was I yelled "Jessica Sutton!" and she responded with, "NO, Jessie!", as she's running between clothes racks. (She doesn't like being called Jessica.)  What a day.

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