Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Great Sunday

Both Jon and I decided that in order to have better Sunday afternoons after church, we needed to go do something.  It doesn't have to be much.  Just something, since Sundays are our most difficult day of the week, in regards to missing Bill.

Jon went to first service and I went to second.  It was a great service and I had the priviledge of praying with a young woman after the sermon.  I am so excited to be part of the Stephen Ministry team again.  Our two newest leaders, current Stephen Ministers, and new trainees came forward to be prayed over this morning.  It was a great feeling to be part of something again.

After I returned home, we went to McDonald's for lunch, although we ate in the van watching the Sheriff's department catch drivers without seatbelts.  That sure was exciting. (I told you it doesn't have to be much.)  Next we went to the cemetery and watered the hens and chicks.  Last Friday Debbie and I took Jessie to the cemetery where my dad and mom are buried.  I explained to her that this is where families buy a piece of stone and have the name put on it of who died.  This is in memory of that person so they will always be remembered.  That went well, so we took Jess to see Bill's boulder/memorial.  That, too, went well.  However, she didn't want to leave.  She wanted me to read each headstone that we came to.  Several rows and I promised her we'd come back.  She kept saying, as we walked through the cemetery, "Thank you, Jesus!"  "Thank you, Jesus!"

Next I treated the kids to a small Coldstone ice cream.  Off to our shooting range was next because I was having trouble chambering my gun.  They guys there are so nice and don't make you feel stupid, especially when it appears the gun is fine.  Ahhh!

Our last stop before home was to show Jon where Jess and I will be swimming and exercising.  Maybe Jon will join me one day there.

While I was watering my plants outside, Chris dropped by and spent a couple hours.  It's always a highlight when we get together.

As I said earlier - a great Sunday.  And, to echo Jessie, "Thank you, Jesus!"

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