Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 2 of Furnace Installation

Jon, Jess and I were home all day.  One of the furnace men worked all day long doing I'm not sure what, but he sure did make alot of noise.  Speaking of noise, the oil drum that has been in the basement since the house was built was drained, cut in half, and removed.  The cutting was so loud that I was looking for ear protectors.  It was really bothering me.  The strange thing, though, was that Jess was on the couch in the family room.  Whenever there is noise - even a little noise - she flees upstairs.  She never budged off that couch and acted like it was no big deal.  That was totally amazing.  Bill couldn't even use an electric screwdriver before she'd head upstairs.

Tonight I had Stephen Ministry Continuing Education.  I gave the devotion and talked about what happened the night of Bill's funeral at his grave.  It's a pretty neat, true story and maybe soon I'll write about it and post it.  I entitled my devotion: Angel In the Cemetery.


  1. A furnace is one of the most expensive appliances that must be installed in a home. This typically is due to the high cost of the unit being combined with expense of setting it up. It is not uncommon for a homeowner to consider performing the installation themselves to save money.

    Furnace installation Toronto
