Sunday, October 21, 2012

Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Friday was a very busy day for me and by the time Chris and I left for a Ladies' Retreat around 3:00 p.m., I was exhausted.  Chris was, too, she said, as work was very busy.  We drove to the Marriott of Pontiac near Auburn Hills for a Wesleyan District Women's Retreat.  The conference began at 7:00 p.m. and ended on Saturday afternoon at 3:45 p.m.

Mary Kay Beard was our speaker.  I've heard her before and I was lookin forward to hearing her again.  At one time in her life she was on the FBI Ten Most Wanted list, with a mafia contract out on her and outstanding warrants for her arrest in four states.  She was a very successful armed bank robber.  While reading a Gideon Bible in solitary confinement in an Alabama jail, she experienced a spiritual transformation, and the rest of her story is the proof of what God chooses to do with a willing follower. She is also the Founder of Angel Tree. 

By the time I arrived home, got a bite (or two) to eat, I was just as exhausted as the night before, so I decided not to do much.  I began a book then went to bed.

Today, Sunday, has been a very nice day spent with my daughter.  After breakfast we went to Meijer's to get a couple items that I had forgotten to put on the grocery list last Thursday.  Jess was great.  She helped me do everything in the store, including scanning the items and bagging the groceries.  There was also a screamer in the store and she handled that very well, too.

I've spent all afternoon working on thank you notes, e-mails, made a few phone calls and now I'm on my way upstairs to do my Bible Study.  Each week we have 5 days of lessons to do in 7 days.  I'm one day behind, so I have to do 2 tonight.  Whick is OK, because I'm really enjoying this study.

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