Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Comments Received

I do not know the people who read my blog.  Most, I presume, are people I know.  Others, I've never had the priviledge of meeting.  I received 2 comments regarding yesterday's "Finishing Touches" and Jessie's behavior. 

The first one is from "Kathy" who suggested that Jessie's behavior was a "possible reaction to all the sugar treats from the goodies she got at the street corners."  I would agree, except that the tootsie rolls are still in their wrappers, sitting on the counter.  I rarely let Jessie have candy.  She just gets excited when she can have some in her hand.  In fact, her Easter basket will be filled with DVD's, goldfish, Perler Bead projects, and one hollow, chocolate Easter Bunny, which will probably remain untouched for a month or more.  Thanks, though, Kathy, for your suggestion.  I wouldn't have thought of a sugar reaction. 

The second one is from "Becky in NC" who suggested: "Perhaps she is not liking all the change in your room.  Even as adults sometimes change makes us a little edgy so maybe that is what is getting to Jess, or just like the rest of us, she could just be having a day."  Bingo.  I think you might have something there.  I never gave this change a thought to how it would affect Jessie.  I've tried to get her to go into this "new" area and sit on the chair with me, but she refuses.  The days that have been the hardest for her are the ones where it's the noisiest upstairs and people are constantly going up and down the stairs. 

Thank you, both, for your comments.  The saying: "You can't see the trees for the forest", seems applicable.  It's always good to get someone else's opinion because at times we are too close to the situation to recognize the obvious.  Today Jess had a MUCH BETTER day.  Only Dorene was here doing quiet jobs upstairs.

Grandma Sutton has been released from the hospital and is in a nursing home for rehab.  If you'd like her address to send her a card, send me a note via my e-mail address below and I'll send it to you. 


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