Monday, March 4, 2013

No Rest Today

Today has been a whirl wind and I'm still going.  I was out all morning at a meeting and while I was gone Jessie did 14 puzzles with Debbie, a mosiac project and something else.  Can't remember.  She was a busy bee.

We had a quick "Girl's Day Out" to the bank and drive thru McDonald's (isn't it something that both Jess and I continue to lose weight?  Jess especially.) then home.  I am having the upstairs hallway painted and Dorene was here for a bit.  Jon and Dorene brought down my couch and entertainment center from my bedroom because I'm having the sitting area remodeled.  Bob is coming in the morning to begin a wall and a half wall.  I'm excited about the upstairs changes, but my bedroom is a disaster.  An organized disaster, though. 

My dining room is also a disaster (and it is NOT organized) as I'm getting prepared to send 4 rubbermaids to my friend, Lois, in Haiti.  I have to start and finish them tomorrow, as they need to be mailed on Wednesday.  That's the goal, anyway.  They need to be in Miami by next week in order to get on the ship.

Jon did alot for me today.  He did some wash, took out the garbage, bought and scattered 50 pounds of ice melter on our driveway, worked in his bedroom, as well as did a spread sheet for me to justify Jessie's spending for a 12-month period.  I have a huge report to do and this helps me alot!  Not to mention the furniture from upstairs to outside!  He was a HUGE help.  Thank you, son!

I'm closing now, but I'm off to the kitchen to do our weekly pills.  I do them each Monday night.  I had forgotten until about a half hour ago.  I was ironing Jessie's perler beads.  I have to admit that I've dumped quite a few because I just can't keep up with her.  I had none to iron 10 minutes ago but she now has one ready and will be starting her second in a minute.  Ahhhhh!

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