Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Monday and Tuesday

Yesterday was not a fun day for me, as I had to prep for a colonoscopy this morning.  For those of you that have had this procedure, you know what I mean.  The actual test is nothing.  They put you on a nice semi-comfortable gurney, give you some nice sleeping medicine and you wake up in recovery.  And for me, all's well for another 5 years.  Yeah!  Thank you, Jesus. 

I asked Jon why do I and everyone else get so deathly sick taking the Miralax mixture and he said that a normal dosage is like 17 grams 2x a day.  For this procedure you take 238 grams!  You overdose on a laxative and you feel like 2 trains have hit you.  I could barely walk last night and Jon came home from work early to take care of Jess because I was just too sick. 

He took me to the hospital this morning, took me out to breakfast, and went out and bought a deli chicken and watermelon for dinner.  What a son.  Plus he kept checking up on me last night and this afternoon.  That means a lot to me.  When I got home I took a 4-hour nap.  I'm back to "normal", what ever that might be.

Rachel came at 6:30 this morning to take care of Jess.  By the time she got here Jess was already up and dressed for the day.  They did quite a few things and had fun.  Jess also fell asleep in the living room after dusting, as you can see from the picture.  I bought a new router and I can upload pictures, only now it has the black strip on the bottom.  I'll have to figure out what that is now.  Always something.

At every meal we eat as a family, Jessie always asks everyone what they had for breakfast, lunch and snack.  She's been doing this for years.  Tonight while she was asking Jon what he had for a snack, I wish I could have caught her stunned expression and the small "OH" from her when he said he had BUFFALO.  She just stared at him for so long.  It was too funny.  He was serious, too.  He purchased some smoked buffalo and elk in Dundee last week. 

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