Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Another Surgery To Look Forward To

I took the MRI disc to my doctor today to get the news.  Out of 4 possible tears in my rotator cuff, I have 2 full tears.  Terrific!  However, he said that my muscle is still "alive" and in good shape, so he recommends surgery soon.  If I wait until I can't stand the pain anymore, the muscle may have died and then a shoulder replacement would have to be done.  I don't think so!  My surgery is scheduled for August 5. 

From the doctor's office I went to Gordon Food's and Vince and Joe's.  Walgreen's and the post office before coming home.  I was able to sit and relax for about an hour before Jessie and Brenda came home and I had to start getting ready for the SM Ladies get together at 6:00 p.m. here.  Rachel took care of Jess, as Jon was working. 

I'm calling it a day, right after I do a grocery list for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Goodness - I am so sorry about you having to have rotar cuff repair. It seems like everyone needs it these days and I can't figure out what people are doing to need it. Do everything they tell you as my sister had hers done, then overdid and had to have it redone
