Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday, May 19

Before I blog about today I want to THANK everyone for praying for Jessie's knee.  She was still favoring it on Saturday a bit, but by Sunday she was OK.  She probably pulled a muscle.  I kept putting Deep Blue (an essential oil) on it and she liked that. 

Today I was at church for a couple hours then I met Chris, Joyce, Carol and Holly (Carol's daughter) for lunch in Richmond.  This is our first get together since last October when Joyce and John left for Georgia for the winter.

After lunch I stopped and visited with Aunt Etta, Grandma Sutton's sister.  She looks pretty good for 98 doesn't she?  She never seems to change.  However, her eyesight is almost gone and she is extremely hard of hearing.  I know that makes life very challenging for her.  She said she wasn't sure if she'd be here for her 99th birthday, but she's pretty healthy other than her eyes and ears and being slow.

When I left Aunt Etta I visited Ortha for awhile, too.  We had a nice visit.  I took her a bag full of books to keep her reading.  She now lives with Paul and Julie and they have a beautiful home.  I'm glad that she is able to live with family. 

While I was gone, Jon went to the show then came home and cut the lawn and worked in his garden.  It really looks so nice.  Maybe I'll be able to work a bit in my flower garden this weekend. 

Debbie had her hands full today.  Jessie was doing weird things and acting very goofy.  She even tried getting in the driver's seat of Debbie's car.  I guess that was a challenge.  Jessie is VERY strong and when she's got her mind set on doing something, watch out.  You better be stronger!  Let's hope she's better tomorrow.  Right now she's still awake using her iPad.  I better end this and take it away and have her go to sleep.  Fortunately, most nights she's like me ... asleep in less that a couple minutes. 

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