Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Bunch Of Stuff

I left at 9:00 and picked up Doreen and we went to Chris' house for a Premier Jewelry Party. Home by 1:45 p.m. and straightened up the house, did a couple loads of wash, blew the grass off the sidewalks.

Jon took care of Jess until Rachel got here at 10:00 a.m. They went outside for awhile, Target and McDonald's.

Jon cut the lawn and harvested some more herbs.

We went to Brenda's house around 5:00 to see some Christmas ornaments she was getting rid of. We ate dinner at The Times Square and stopped in to see Don and Rox. It was a really nice visit.

Now, it all sounds good. Right? Well, it would have been if Jess didn't spend the afternoon and evening yelling and screaming at me - again. I sure had hoped she was over that. On the way to Brenda's house she was even crying because she didn't want to get out of the van. So, when we got there I let her stay in the van. Only Brenda went out and got her and she was OK. At the restaurant she was very loud and very noisy at Rox's (but good). Right now she's yelling at the iPad and just got through screaming at me because I coughed. I need ear plugs.

1 comment:

  1. perhaps it is Jess who needs the ear plugs.........think of you guys always
