Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Different Sunday Than Planned

Jon prepared last night for the predicted ice storm that we never got. Thinking that we would lose power, he got the extension cords, gas and generator ready, as well as some preparedness items we always keep on hand.  When he got up for church, there was nothing.  No ice - nothing on  his jeep.  So, he left to go to breakfast and church. 

I had gotten up earlier and went and sat down in my (electric) chair, with my feet up.  Jess was on my bed jabbering when at 8:30 the power went out.  I'm glad no one had a camera as I made my way out of the chair!  I let Jon know and he returned home.  We have 3 sump pumps and 2 of them fill up too fast.  I was so thankful that he gave up church to come home and take care of us.  Especially since he can only go twice a month as it is with his schedule.

Trying to keep Jessie occupied without her iPad and uTube she watches all the time is challenging.  When Jon started the generator she ran for her bedroom, as it is very noisy.  The power outage lasted only 2 1/2 hours, which was wonderful since Jon called DTE and their estimated time of power back on was 11:30 p.m.! 

Me:  Jess!  The power is on!  You can watch uTube!
Jess:  All done?
Me:  Yes.  We have power back.
5 minutes later:
Jess:  MOM?
Me:  Yes, Jess?

I wasn't having a good physical morning and by the time lunch came around I decided to treat the kids to Dimitri's for lunch.  So did the rest of the people without power!  We had to wait for a table.  Even though it was very crowded, Jess did well.  Chris called after her church was over and I ordered a dinner for her and she ate with us, then came and visited for a couple hours.

Jess and I wrapped some Christmas presents.  Still not finished.  They have to be done by tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you and yours a Blessed Christmas. Becky in the hot South today 80, tomorrow 34 - go figure
