Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Monday and Tuesday

MONDAY ...  I had to go for another INR blood test.  Before I got home the results were called in to me: 1.6.  This is very discouraging.  It needs to be between 2.0 and 3.0.  I have to continue on the Lovonox shots 2x a day and have another STAT blood draw on Wednesday. 

I'm trying to remain positive, but I'm in such bodily pain each day it's hard. (My knee doesn't hurt at all!)   I personally think I'm having a reaction to the Coumadin.  My doctor doesn't think so.  He also had me stop the Celebrex.  Now I can't take anything for my arthritis.  I'll be lucky if I can walk at the end of 3 months.  I go see him tomorrow and we'll discuss this.  I don't think he realizes how bad I feel without either the Mobic or Celebrex.  I know I'm complaining.  Sorry.  I cry each day.  I'm sick of all these complications.  It just seems like I can't get a break. I know - I'm playing my violin. 

I did manage to go out last night and have fun with "the Glory Girls".  Above is a picture of us around Shannon's tree.  Pat, Mary, Shannon, Andrea, Lynn, Caroline and myself make up this small group.  Four of us began the group 10 years ago, and since then have added 3 more ladies.  I must say, they are all crazy women.

TUESDAY ...  Brenda and Jessie went swimming, lunch and shopping.  I wrapped all of Jessie and Jon's presents.  Late this afternoon Jess and I had hair appointments.  Jessie is seen in the picture with Veronica's granddaughter's doll house.  She goes to it each time she goes there and plays with it.  She's never had a doll house.  I stopped at Wendy's on the way home and bought dinner for Jess and me.  Jon had the day off and went out to breakfast, bank, Walgreen's, and Walmart.  Tonight he fixed himself a deer heart for dinner with mashed potatoes.  I cringe when I think of it and I'm glad I wasn't home to see him cut it up and smell it.  He was happy, though. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you about Jon's dinner - no way I could do that. Hope you feel better today. We are praying for you. Becky
