Saturday, December 21, 2013

Changing Course

Jon, Lois and I had planned on going out to lunch then to see "Saving Mr. Banks".  However, we decided to cancel those afternoon plans when we read that we were supposed to have freezing rain beginning around 1:00 p.m.  Well, it's 7:31 p.m. and I don't think we've had any freezing rain yet.  As far as I'm concerned, we don't have to have it. 

Instead Jon and Jessie went with me to get another blood draw (that makes a total of 10 since December 2!) then I treated to breakfast out.  Walgreen's, post office, Home Depot for ice melter and K-9 for animal-friendly ice melter.  When I left the house this morning my pain level was about a "3" but when I got home it was a "7".  I had to take a pain pill and sit down and rest. 

Jon wrapped presents and Jess played on her iPad.  Unfortunately, she had a huge meltdown this afternoon.  I'm not sure why and I don't think she knew why either.  It's probably because Christmas is next week.  The excitement builds.  Right now she's singing Christmas Carols with kids on Utube.  She knows a lot of songs.  Even though she doesn't always keep up with the faster songs, the words are all there.  She definitely takes after her Grandma Jonas - she can't carry a tune at all.  But for her that doesn't matter.  I love to hear her sing - especially Jesus songs when she raises her hands praising Jesus. 

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