Monday, April 15, 2013


 Last night when we went to bed, Jon and I had planned on going shopping this morning because it was predicted to be cold and rainy.  Much to our surprise, the sun was shining and Jon quickly ate a breakfast bar and spent the next 6 hours or so working on his garden.
The picture on the left is the "old" garden that Bill had made, minus the fencing that Jon had taken down last fall.  The next picture is from a couple days ago taken from my bedroom window of the square foot boxes Jon made and put down.  Today he put the fencing up.  I'll have to post that tomorrow, as I'm having trouble with the pictures posting - again.  Also, I have no idea where the black border came from.  They are not on the original pictures - sorry.
Because we had eaten out 3 days in a row, I told Jessie we would be eating lunch at home today, even though it is Girl's Day Out.  It's never a good thing to change her itinerary.  She doesn't adapt to change very well.  We did eat lunch at home, but we stopped at McDonald's for a pop when we went to the bank and post office.  That helped a great deal.
Jess had speech today and continues to do very well.  I am very pleased with her progress.  Especially since a lot of teachers in our past have said that someone with Downs would stop learning at around 12 years of age.  What do they know?  She learns something new every day, and continues to speak better.  And, she's 22 years old!

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