Thursday, January 17, 2013

A "Wasted" 2 1/2 Hours

Why do I always feel that when I rest I am wasting valuable time in working?  Today I went to Bible Study.  I could hardly keep my eyes open and I felt like I had been drugged.  During small group my eyes kept crossing.  I went to lunch with Dorene and came home and vacuumed, put in a load of wash and sat down in my chair upstairs and slept for 2 1/2 hours.  I was supposed to be doing paper work and completing holiday decorations.

At least I wasn't in as much pain as I was yesterday, until I did a bunch of stuff before and after dinner.  I cooked up 10 pounds of chicken legs - they were on sale at Vince and Joe's for 59 cents a pound.  Now I need to seal them in my Food Saver bags.  Yesterday I cooked up 5 pounds of ground round, also on sale, and froze them in 3/4# packages. 

While I slept the phone rang, I automatically grabbed it, and it was my bank with a check on two charges yesterday.  They were checking on a $9,000.00 credit charge (that they thankfully declined).  That popped my eyes open for a few minutes!  Seems like my credit card (that I only use for internet purchases) was compromised.  Again.  I'm thankful that there are people who watch out for our interests. 

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