Sunday, October 13, 2013

Please Read The Post Before This One - Very Important

I posted earlier this morning regarding Debbie's freak accident.  She is still in pretty rough shape.  I appreciate your prayers for her.

I told you that I would tell you about yesterday - Saturday was a good day for us until we heard about Debbie's accident.  My friend, Jane, took me out to lunch at Ike's for my birthday.  We had a very nice visit.  When I got home, the kids and I went for a drive to Meadowbrook to get tickets for Lois and I to see a play, and then to see the hospital where I will be having knee surgery.  It was such a beautiful day for a drive.  We then went on a longer drive and drove by the Kirkland of the Hills church and the homes that surround it.  I was going to post a picture, but I forgot.  We also went out to dinner at Alex's in Rochester and the 3 of us had a nice meal.  A very nice day indeed.

Today Jon went to first service and I went to second.  It was the culmination of a 3-day Missions Festival.  Our speaker was very good and I enjoyed being there.  I bought McDonald's for lunch and was home for only about an hour or so when I went back to church for the memorial service of my friend Andrea's sister, with a dinner that followed the service. 

So, that about sums it up for yesterday and today.  Jess seems to be better today emotionally - she was very upset about Debbie last night.  Actually, neither one of us slept much, and she even got up somewhere between 4 and 5 to play in her room.  I got her back to bed at 5:30 and she did sleep for a couple more hours.  I hope she sleeps better tonight. 

1 comment:

  1. Nancy- we are praying for Debbie, the skydivers family, you, Jon and Jessie and I have placed you all on our church prayer list. May God heal Debbie quickly - both physcially and emotionally. I know that he has this and your surgery and time away completely in his control and will work out a good plan for all. Becky
